
A Cute Loonie



で、今日見つけたのがこれ。Royal Canadian MintによるとParks Canada100周年記念のようです。(以下原文)
Celebrate Parks Canada’s 100th anniversary with this legendary $1 commemorative circulation coin 5-pack. 
The Dominion Parks Branch—known today as Parks Canada—was founded in 1911, and mandated to conserve Canada's unrivalled wilderness for Canadians to explore and enjoy.
By creating the world's first national parks system, Canada has made nature conservation a prized Canadian value and inspired countries around the world to protect their unique wilderness regions. 
For a century, Parks Canada has remained the dedicated steward and steadfast guardian of Canada’s vast stores of magnificent natural treasures, maintaining them for the pleasure not only of Canadians, but of the world, and of generations yet to come.

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